Tuesday, 17 March 2009

When Giant Pigs Attack...

When you go to visit a stately home for a 'jolly nice' day out, you don't expect to have to run for your life. From a gigantic pig of all things. He was in a pen, but that didn't stop him. This beast wanted to go on the rampage. He even looks like a brute on this picture *laughs* . I can't remember his name but for the purposes of this blog we'll call him Fred.
Well, because i absolutely love piggies i had to go and have a good peer into his pen. Fred had his arse facing towards me so i started making the kissing noises that i do to my cat at him. His curly tail started to twitch, so I naturally took this as a sign of his enjoyment. He obviously likes the attention, I wrongly thought. To my surprise, he whirled around and his beady eyes met mine. But instead of the lovable look I was hoping for, it appeared that I had incurred his wrath.
He jumped up, and gave the loudest grunt I've ever heard. It seemed to echo- probably the acoustics of the pen. His trotters scrabbled against the little gate that was the only fragile barrier between me and him. Oh crap, I remember thinking at the time. My dad thought this was highly amusing and managed to take a photograph of the event. Although I don't think it really represents the horror of this crazed pig.
The main thing I remember was running away as soon as Fred had made a couple of attempts at breaking free. He was looking right at me, I swear it. To be honest, I nearly crapped myself. I ran faster than a cheetah chasing a gazelle.
On the one hand, I was worried that he was going to escape and savage me, and on the other hand, I was worried I was going to be in trouble with the owners for the apparent agitation of him. I was terrified, I remember my heart punching inside of me like a boxer.

I'd still like my own piglet though...I'd call it Precious. Tee hee xx

1 comment:

  1. I had a similar experience with an angry bull in a field. It was SO scary!
