Monday 2 March 2009

My Cue.

"Six O'clock already, i was just in the middle of a dream". Manic Monday by The Bangles.
Just heard that song playing on Eastenders and it's flooded my head with memories. I always get a knot tightening in my stomach every time i hear this song. It was my drama club's play of Our Day Out. This was opening night...
There I was standing backstage, the curtains closed and all is dark. Then this song blares through the old speakers and the shabby curtains fly back, lights illuminating the whole stage. My Cue.
Walking across the stage, pretending that it's a road, i feel hundreds of eyes burning into me. Don't trip, for God's sake, please don't trip.
I was bloody terrified.
All the feelings of that night come straight back to me whenever i hear this song. The nervous excitement of when my make-up plastered face met the audiences'. I knew my mum and grandparents were sitting in the audience, their eyes fixed on me. Nobody else, just me. Dad didn't come, he was watching the England match on TV at home. (world cup). I remember wishing that i was at home watching it with him when those curtains opened.
I can't listen to this song properly anymore, not that i was a massive fan of it before, but now it's a complete no.

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